Reclaim Your Natural, Youthful Appearance

Sculptra® facial injectable

Sculptra® is a type of facial injectable that can replace lost facial volume over time, resulting in a natural, youthful appearance. Sculptra® is made from poly-L-lactic acid, which helps to replace lost collagen, and can help correct volume loss and deep facial wrinkles and folds.

Common areas of treatment include the temples, the cheeks and lateral cheekbones, and the jawline. A full treatment (which typically includes three or more vials administered over several months) can last two+ years.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment or book online!

Sculptra® FAQs

What is Sculptra®?
Sculptra® is an injectable form of poly-L-lactic acid. This substance helps to stimulate and replace lost collagen. The main ingredient is a biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic material that has been used by physicians for decades. For thorough product information, please visit the Sculptra® website.

Who can benefit from Sculptra® facial injections?
Sculptra® injection is FDA-approved for patients with “lipodystrophy” of the face, meaning that it helps to restore fat and facial volume that has been lost. It is also best suited for patients who need volume restored to the face. The benefit of Sculptra® is that is does not require any donor site from the body, and it is a good option for patients with minimal body fat or who do not desire to have any general or sedation anesthesia (as used in facial fat augmentation). It can be injected during a clinic visit.

What areas of the face benefit from Sculptra® injections?
Sculptra® injections are commonly used to rejuvenate the temples, cheeks, hollowing at the base of the nose, and thinning of the jaw line.

Do Sculptra® injections last?
The results of Sculptra® injections are not instant. Immediately after the injections, there will be desired fullness in the face that will decrease several days after the injection. The body then begins to form collagen as a result of the Sculptra®. Some patients will need two to three injections, and results are typically still seen even at two years after injection.

How does Sculptra® differ from injectable fillers like Restylane?
Compared to injectable facial fillers such as Restylane and JUVÉDERM®, Sculptra® works in a completely different way and is used to treat different parts of the face. Sculptra® cannot be used to treat fine lines, or other very superficial areas of the skin. Sculptra® is placed in the deep tissue planes in order to stimulate collagen over time. Sculptra® results are not immediate, and Sculptra® takes time in order to be effective.

What is involved in Sculptra® injection in the face?
Sculptra® is injected in the clinic and takes less than an hour to do. You will have topical anesthetic applied to your face, and the Sculptra® mixture also contains local anesthetic to make you comfortable during the procedure.

Is Sculptra® injection right for me?
We will carefully discuss options for facial rejuvenation with you in order to determine if Sculptra® is right for you. Other options to accomplish your goals will also be discussed, and all of your questions will be addressed. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

What are the risks?
Risks are very important to discuss with your provider prior to any procedure or surgery. The benefit of any intervention or procedure that is recommended for you should always outweigh potential risks. Risks with any procedure (no matter how “big” or “small”) include bleeding, infection or the need for future procedures.

Sculptra® Pre- and Post-Treatment Care

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Discontinue aspirin one week prior to treatment.

  • No alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

  • Massage each treated area for five minutes, five times each day, for five days.

  • Ice each area after each massage for one minute per area.

  • No alcohol consumption or strenuous exercise for 24 hours post treatment.

  • Avoid sun (or heat lamp) exposure for one week post treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office at any time.